My Story

Hey, I’m Stacy Vajta

Prefer to read? It’s all below. (Plus some fun pics!)

I’m carving out a place for women in the prime of their lives — yes, I mean our fifties, sixties, and beyond — to explore the emotional and spiritual shifts that come as we embrace age. It's about going beyond the superficial and diving into what it truly means to grow older and wiser... to become elderwomen.

There aren’t a lot of spaces for this kind of exploration. We see someone touting a new way of looking at life post-menopause, yet get bombarded with talk of anti-aging creams and how fascinating it is we choose to go grey.

That’s not me. I want to go deeper.

stacy vajta. coaching for women over fifty

My biggest life lesson marks my journey into elderhood: embracing my power and choosing my path. I’ve put aside a lot of dreams and desires for fear of rocking the boat. I formed myself into roles I thought I should play, although I’ll tell you something more was always trying to fight its way out. And even though I did a great deal of healing and self-exploration in my younger years, turning fifty changed me.

There was a now-or-never feeling that wouldn’t stop nagging at me. And, I’m not going to lie, a bit of rage came knocking. I needed to peel away the layers of my life that didn’t fit who I was deep within and let the real me be seen and heard. It’s been a journey, one I’m still on, to feel safe enough to say what I feel and choose the life I want to live. 

My story comes from what you see below.
Maybe you have a collection like this one.

The Role of Art.

Art has helped. That was another thing that shifted as I turned the corner into my fifties. There had always been this inner voice urging me to make art — any kind of art — but I shoved that aside despite the fact that art was hugely important to me up until my mid-twenties.

When I’d hear the message to make art, I’d say I was too busy and wonder how could it possibly help me. Well, it was the healing balm I needed to slow down and listen to my inner voice with a new ear. I needed to set my creative energy free to live more authentically in all ways.

art doll. Stacy Vajta Healing Doll Workshops

So, to put it mildly, my fifties were filled with a fire that started to burn away old ideas and expectations that weren’t me... never were. And I stepped into a journey I didn’t expect. 

Long ago, I was told life gets better at 60, but I never knew what that meant until I arrived.

Sixty is upon me, and I am more excited about my life than ever. I’m less encumbered by what people think, I’ve kicked to the curb the expectation that I should fit a mold that was never meant for me, and I’m less afraid to say what I mean because life’s too short to end up with a pile of regrets.

And some of the best times these days are when I hang out with my fellow feisty crones, women who want to journey into an empowered third act. Women who seek a deep and soulful exploration of their lives and how their age offers them more, not less. I know, that’s a radical idea of aging. But that’s my jam.

I hope you will join me in discovering who you are as you grow older, wiser, and more beautiful in every way.

You’ll find me on Instagram: